Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Short History

This might show my age, but I first got the desire to learn game programming back in the 80's as a young teen playing around with my Commodore 64.  I used to buy Compute! magazine with sample program listings inside and type hundreds of lines of Basic code into my C64, and save it to floppy disk (a REAL bendable floppy disk!).  As I laboriously copied the listings line by line, I had no idea what the code did, but the thought of controlling this machine and make it run games I had entered was just too good to pass up.  Then I typed RUN and hoped for the best.  Often what I got was a bunch of Syntax errors, but once in a while my C64 would come to life with graphics and sounds - I was hooked!

Fast forward to the year 2000 and I discovered OpenGL.  I had fooled around in Basic before but to use OpenGL for Windows I needed to learn C and basic Windows development - both of which are no easy tasks.  I muscled through and actually (with the help of great books like the OpenGL SuperBible) I was able to crank out about 4 good-looking 3D games.  At the time, my brother was doing some sounds and textures and we called ourselves the BinaryBrotherz (with a 'z', because the Brothers with an 's' was already taken).  If you Google these BinaryBrotherz games you will see some cool snapshots:  
Virtual Bombard
GladiaTron 3D
3D Asteroid Patrol
Deep Space Pong

We no longer have website hosting, so sorry you can't really download them.  I will try to get a website of my own going so that I can offer them again.  They do still run on Windows machines.  The last game I worked on was back in 2002.  As I stated in this blog's title, this is a hobby so I don't always get enough time to devote to game programming.  Also I was stuck running these games on Windows environments and I wasn't about to try to learn how to port over to other native systems.  I wanted my games to run on everything, even mobile devices, but I did not have the tools nor the knowledge to make that happen.  Fast forward to today!